Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Random thought

If a wormhole is a bridge between two points in space, what's a toll-bridge between two points in space? A Bose-Einstein Turnpike?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Of Beginnings

A new day, a new blog. Herein, I will discuss my musings.

My name is Noktelfa (Pronounced like "Joke Tell Fuh") Rootcreeper. Call me "Noki".

I have three parts. I am a Choctaw. I am a Druid. I am a geek. And I am a woman.

Four parts. I am a Choctaw. I am a Druid. I am a geek. And I am a woman.

Yeah, four.

This caused some confusion on my part when I was younger. It took a while to figure myself out. Perhaps some day I will find a young person having trouble finding himself or herself and I'll be able to assist him or her with this. I didn't have help and it took a very long time.

Now, though, I find myself in the position of having a variety of interests and so much to do that I'll never, ever be bored. I hope many find this blog and find something to enjoy, for bringing joy to others truly is the greatest pleasure in life.

Oh, did I mention I'm a also a photographer?